Éislek Wanderlust
That is exactly what you feel when you are here: lust for walking.
Or randonnées as the French say. Wonderful words for wonderful hikes.
In the north of Luxembourg, dense forests, deep valleys, enchanting views and characteristic rock formations.
With a total length of 158 km, the Lee Trail connects with the Eislek Trail in Luxembourg and Belgium.
Or how about a picnic at Sûre Lake? Have a little swim, watch the sun go down.
Lunch in picturesque Esch-sur-Sûre with its castle dating back to 774.
Or pamper your body at the Rock Spa & Wellness.
The beauty of Luxembourg is that everything is within reach and yet you can find yourself in a totally different landscape after every 20 minutes.
Nature is waiting for the sun to really break through to colour the world green. I can feel it... it's in the air.
Who would you enjoy hiking with?
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